Lets get down with the dogs

Your Pet Session
Because Fur babies matter to !
Grooming !
Do you feel at your best after a fresh hair cut ? well so does your best friend, i always recommend having your fur baby groomed prior to our session so that we can see those beautiful eyes and dont lose their face behind extra fur growth.
Puppy or Grand-Fur
No matter how young or old, your fur child has energy to burn ! unless you are booked in for a session where we require your dog to do leaps and sprints then please take your baby on a walk to burn some of that excess energy and help them calm before our session, but not to long a walk ! i still want to see those bums wiggle !
Simple or Sassy
Does your best friend only know basic commands ? No problem ! that’s all we need to get some beautiful portraits, However if your pet knows some fancy tricks they would be magical to see during our session to get some Amazing Extra images !
Last but not least
We have focused on your buddy, but we haven’t forgotten about you ! Before your session take a long deep breath, i dont care if your pet isn’t doing exactly what i want them to do, i will work along side you to find what works best, so sit back and relax and never force them into a situation they dont want to be in, would you smile after being yelled at ? Of course not ! so lets make this fun for everyone involved.
Finally you dont need to bring a thing ! unless of course you have a favorite toy or a treat your pet will only turn tricks for !